Extremaduran Health Service Guard

Do you want to be an SES guard? This is the preparation you need!

If you are passionate about the healthcare field, this is your opposition. The caretaker is a very versatile figure within a healthcare establishment, ranging from ensuring the operation of the establishment to ensuring the peace of mind of the patients. Some of the functions to be performed are:

Patient organization: information, transfer, management, mobilization, etc.

Notification of damage or problems in facilities and order and tranquility in patients.

Indoor and outdoor surveillance, both day and night.

What do we offer from OpoAcademy?

From OpoAcademy We offer you complete preparation for your opposition phase. You will have:

  • Recorded video classes with the explanation of the topics of common subjects.
  • Recorded video classes with the explanation of the topics of the specific subjects.
  • Test on all topics, both common subjects and specific subjects.
  • Simulations for the exam.
  • Schemes.
  • Updates.
  • Email to ask questions, concerns or advice regarding the study.

In addition, we will inform you of all the news about the process, such as registrations, dates, changes, etc.

In this post, we will explain the requirements you need to be able to work as a guard in the Extremadura Health Service:

In the last call, both free access and internal promotion places were offered. The requirements They do not usually vary much from one call to another, these being (free shift):


    Responsible: OpoAcademy DPD Email: Purpose: Management and response to requests and queries. Use of data to send commercial information. Rights: Access, rectify and delete data, request data portability, oppose processing, request its limitation and withdraw consent.

    a) Possess Spanish nationality. Nationals of the Member States of the European Union will be able to access, as statutory personnel, under the same conditions as Spaniards.

    b) Be over 16 years old and not exceed the forced retirement age.

    c) Be in possession of the official certificate of compulsory studies or equivalent degree or certificate, or in a position to obtain it within the application submission period.

    d) Possess the functional capacity necessary to perform the functions derived from the corresponding appointment.

    e) Not having been separated from the service, through disciplinary proceedings, of any Health Service or Public Administration, nor having been firmly disqualified from exercising public functions or, where appropriate, from the corresponding profession.

    f) In the case of nationals of other States (letter a), not being disqualified, by sanction or penalty, for professional practice or for access to public functions or services in their State, nor having been separated, due to disciplinary sanction , of any of its Administrations or public services.

    g) Have paid the corresponding fees for the rights to participate in the selection process, except for those applicants who are legally or regulatory exempt.

    h) Not having the status of permanent statutory personnel of the same category and, where applicable, the specialty chosen, in any Health Service, on the date on which the application submission period ends.

    i) Not having been convicted by a final judgment for any crime against sexual freedom and indemnity, in the terms established in Organic Law 1/1996, of January 15, on the Legal Protection of Minors.

    Program specific subjects:

    Unit 1. Basic notions of healthcare (I): Primary Care: the Basic Health Zone, the Primary Care Teams and the Health Center. Basic notions of healthcare (II): Specialized care. The governing bodies, regulations for the structure and organization and operation of hospitals. Hospitals of the Autonomous Community of Extremadura.

    Unit 2. Subaltern personnel: Functions of the Warden. Surveillance functions. Actions of the caretaker with the relatives of the sick.

    Unit 3. Action in the sick rooms and common rooms. Patient toilet.

    Unit 4. The Caretaker in his relationship with the sick: Transfer and mobility of the same. Patient mobilization techniques. Performance in the ICU.

    Unit 5. Rules of action in operating rooms. Hygiene's norm. Sterilization.

    Unit 6. Action of the Guardian in relation to deceased patients. Performance in autopsy rooms and mortuaries.

    Unit 7. The actions of the guard in relation to the mentally ill. The performance of the guard in emergency and emergency hospital units. Functions of the guard in Primary Care and Continuing Care. Accompaniment of patients in ambulance. Transfer of documents and objects, transfer of health documentation.

    Unit 8. Computer networks: General concepts. Webmail and most used email programs: Use and management of email. Basic notions about the office package.

    Unit 9. The storekeeper. Reception and storage of merchandise. Warehouse organization. Order distribution. Performance of the Guard in the pharmacy.

    Unit 10. Occupational Risk Prevention Law: object, scope of application and definitions. Rights and obligations.

    Unit 11. Ley de Igualdad entre Mujeres y Hombres y contra la Violencia de Género en Extremadura: Disposiciones Generales. Integración de la perspectiva de género en las Políticas Públicas. Ley de régimen jurídico del sector público: el funcionamiento electrónico del sector público.

    The selection process for applicants will be context-public-exams, which will have two phases: opposition phase and competition phase.

    The opposition phase It consists of a mandatory and eliminatory exercise. For applicants free shift It consists of answering a multiple choice exam of 70 questions with four answers in a maximum time of 1 hour and 25 minutes. 8 questions will be about the common subject program. Although they may seem few, many times these questions are what make you raise your grade, so don't neglect this part of your study.

    The competition phase It will consist of the evaluation by the Court of the merits accredited by the applicants, referring to the last day of submission of applications. Some of these merits are: non-regulated training, professional experience and other activities such as teaching.

    The maximum score of the selection process is 100 points, distributed so that at the opposition phase correspond 60 points yet the competition phase 40 points.

    Unit 1. The Spanish Constitution of 1978: Characteristics and structure. Preliminary title. The fundamental rights and duties.

    Unit 2. The Statute of Autonomy of Extremadura: Background, structure and content. Preliminary title. The powers of the Autonomous Community of Extremadura. The Institutions of Extremadura.

    Unit 3. The Framework Statute of the statutory personnel of Health services: General standards. Classification of statutory personnel. Rights and duties. Acquisition and loss of the status of permanent statutory personnel.

    Unit 4. Health Law of Extremadura: Object, scope and guiding principles. The Public Health System of Extremadura. The Statutes of the Autonomous Body Extremadura Health Service.

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